Chester Township

1 Parker Road, Chester, New Jersey 07930
Phone: 908-879-5100


Chester Township Finance Director Derek Macchia is responsible for: purchasing, recording non-tax cash receipts, ensuring prompt and proper payment of all bills, jointly processing payroll with the Tax Collector, reconciling all bank accounts, preparing the budget, managing debt service, coordinating funding for capital projects, and participating in bargaining contract negotiations.

Tax Allocation Worksheet

Are you interested in seeing how your tax bill breaks down between municipal operations, the schools and the county? We invite you to use the interactive finance program included in the list of forms below.

  • Step 1– download the document ‘Finance Program – 2019‘, which will work in Excel and also in Numbers (but not in Google Sheets)
  • Step 2– open the document on your computer
  • Step 3– change the value in the Assessed Value cell to reflect your home’s assessed value, and watch the whole spreadsheet adjust to reflect your tax allocations. Use the link in the spreadsheet to easily look up your assessed value, or click here.

Link to Budget and Audit Documents

Chester Township

1 Parker Road
Chester, NJ 07930

Sign up for our


Tel: (908) 879-5100
Fax: (908) 879-8281
Main Office Open 9:00-4:30 M-F
See Staff Directory for individual office hours.

Police Contact

In case of emergency, dial 911.

For non-emergencies, dial 908-879-5514.

Social Media